Ако загубя себе си, губя всичко...
Или една история как можем да обичаме някого,наранявайки себе си.Как живеем при някого и заплащаме наем за душата си 100кратно повече от колкото ще плащаме за квартира в центъра на града...
Нямаше ме цяла нощ, но на него не му личи да му пука особено.Идвам си на сутринта- намерил си компания набързо.Опитах се да обичам човек,който на 26 години играе на дрончета и компютърни игри ВСЕ още...Който намира за забавно да си друса наркотиците да си пие ментичката и да си бие по крушата , вместо да дойде, да ме прегърне, да ми каже мила дума, да ме попита дали съм яла и да сложи яденео веднъж вместо мен,защото знае,че съм уморена от борба със самия него...Който В МОМЕНТА дори го боли за мен,тъпите му зомбита отидоха да вземат новата дозинка и докато ги няма, той предпочете да си отиде при крушата, да се забавлява с ТЪПИТЕ си момчешки простотии, никакво внимание не ми дава! Реално, той само нерви ми дава!!! Баща ми е прав- Аз дсъм прост човек за да се връщам отново и отново, при положение ,че сама виждам, че нищо не се променя!!!! Преди поне ми правеше от време на време изненадки, малки но сладки- я картичка, я собственоръчна кутийка за бижута, я някакво щано послание на стената за нас... Сега- нищо! Абсолютно. Само стааарата стара рутина....Boys, drugs,drum&бяс, кофти vibe, бой и скандали...O, чудесно! :3 Сега маймунките-зомбита се завърнаха, сополи и амфет виреят във въздуха,този пак се вдъхнови да почне да плямпа, да е Йода-Буда- нинджа, цар на джадайте и тъмните сенки.. |-( ДАЖЕ има смелостта да ме пита КАК СЪМ....АДСКИТЕ орди във формата на дъбстеп песен..Хейтъри гледат Софи Маринова..Във какъв свят се наврях аз?! :X Заааеби.
Искам Светлина.Приятно ембиент звучене...Мирис на трева & пачули. Топла прегръдка.
Слънчев неделен ден в гората със одеало и сандвичи ...Някой да ме погледне в очите и да ми каже,че съм нежно цвете и никога не би ме накарал да се чувстам дискомфортно. Някой,който да харесва хаоса в мен, а не да се опитва да го предизвиква...Някой, на когото не бива да напомням,че имам нужда от Любов и Нежност.
~Love Me I am Marty!
To Everybody,Attention!
Here's my days,step by step from growing up part..I give you chance to look in somebody else's HEAD.Look through my eyes.. :) .And mostly to all who just LOVE to LIVE ,no matter what! <3
-Mia Mars ♥
сряда, април 27, 2016
понеделник, април 18, 2016
Изобилието идва само при тези, които вече го имат
Две седмици практикувайте това и наблюдавайте как ще се промени вашия живот …
Две седмици практикувайте това и наблюдавайте как ще се промени вашия живот
M a r t i n a With Love <3 td="">3> |
Мислейки си, че светът нещо ви отказва, трябва да знаете, че в действителност това вече го имате, но докато не му позволите да изтича навън, не можете да разберете, че се намира във вас. Това е изобилието. Законът за това, че изходящият поток определя входящия, е изразен от Исус в
Източникът на изобилие не е извън вас. Той е част от това което сте. Но първо започнете с благодарност и признание на изобилието, което е отвън. Узнайте пълнотата на живота във всичко, което ви заобикаля. Почувствайте с кожата си топлината на слънцето, възхищавайте се на цветята на стените на цветарския магазин, отхапете от сочния плод.
Пълнотата на живота е на всяка крачка. Благодарение на това, изобилието, което ви заобикаля, предизвиква изобилието, което се намира в латентно състояние у вас. Освободете го – нека да изтича. Когато се усмихнете на непознат, се случва малко изтичане на енергия. Вие давате. Често се питайте: “Какво мога да дам тук; как мога да послужа на този човек, на тази ситуация? “
Не е нужно да притежавате нищо за да чувствате, че имате всичко в изобилие, въпреки че ако постоянно се чувствате в изобилие, нещата почти сигурно ще дойдат при вас. Изобилие идва само при тези, които вече го имат. Изглежда почти нечестно, но е така. И изобилието, както и липсата му – са вътрешното състояние, проявяващо се във вашата реалност. Исус го казва така:
неделя, април 03, 2016
HOW-TO-make Diamond or When Life is Too Hard
Life is hard from the moment you are born and for some people life was even hard inside the womb. Life doesn't let up on us either. You deal with maybe an unkind sibling that tries to take you out before you even walk. Then learning to walk is filled with falling down and getting hurt, and so goes life. But before you think I'm just going to swirl you into negative-ville, I'm not, well, not before a few other relatable reminders of possible hardships. Things you may be having a hard time with:
Being Overwhelmed
Sickness or Health
Feeling Hopeless And I could keep writing, but I'm sure there were at least one or two things we can all relate to there.Now let's pause and learn...
Scientists have guessed that the recipe to form a diamond, might go as follows:
Bury Carbon Dioxide about 100 feet below the Earth's surface.
Heat your oven up to 725 to 2,200 degrees fahrenheit depending on how you like your diamonds
Place under 434,113 to 725,000 pounds of pressure per square inch.
Quickly race to cool at the surface of the Earth.
Boom. Diamonds from the Oven.
Carbon is transformed, not from a perfect life protecting it's precious carbon-ness, but by heat and pressure, and lots of it. Not just a little warmth and a little uncomfy squishing, but extraordinary heat and tremendous pressure.
Some days we feel like we can't go on, some days we feel like there's too much pressure on us from things in life or people. But I want you to know that life is making you into a beautiful diamond, some awful people we encounter are making us sparkle more by learning to deal with them and all their awful ways they might treat us and hurt us. The fire and heat of some situations are making us shine, because we got through it. And when you do so without letting yourself become bitter and angry, that's when you shine, baby shine!
I doesn't matter if relationships, money, job, people at school or work or even your family are bringing the pressure or bringing the heat....
you know that you are becoming a sparkly diamond. And don't you worry say, but I can't handle anymore. It's the enduring of the challenges, it's the overcoming, it's the surviving with a smile, it's the strength that comes from still loving and caring about others while you walk through hardships that add to your priceless shine!
You are not just charcoal that handled stress well...you are a precious human being that is handling all the troubles that life dishes out to us incredibly well. It's the hard times in my life that have broken my heart to just the right place that my heart can comfort others who've been through what I have and it's grown my heart o have so much understanding of other people's hurting and pain. This world needs more people that have understanding and that care and help lift others up when they are going through a hard time. Let's all look for the pressure that others are under and since we are more than carbon, we have precious souls and hearts, and we can use the love and encouragement from others when we go through hard times to help bring that diamond sparkly to their eyes and smile.
Go out all you precious diamonds and shine through all your pressure, grow even sparklier through each hard moment and person you encounter and know I'm proud of you for all the pressure and stress and hardships you've been through to become even sparklier and priceless! ~Love Me I am Marty!
Being Overwhelmed
Sickness or Health
Feeling Hopeless And I could keep writing, but I'm sure there were at least one or two things we can all relate to there.Now let's pause and learn...
Scientists have guessed that the recipe to form a diamond, might go as follows:
Bury Carbon Dioxide about 100 feet below the Earth's surface.
Heat your oven up to 725 to 2,200 degrees fahrenheit depending on how you like your diamonds
Place under 434,113 to 725,000 pounds of pressure per square inch.
Quickly race to cool at the surface of the Earth.
Boom. Diamonds from the Oven.
Carbon is transformed, not from a perfect life protecting it's precious carbon-ness, but by heat and pressure, and lots of it. Not just a little warmth and a little uncomfy squishing, but extraordinary heat and tremendous pressure.
Some days we feel like we can't go on, some days we feel like there's too much pressure on us from things in life or people. But I want you to know that life is making you into a beautiful diamond, some awful people we encounter are making us sparkle more by learning to deal with them and all their awful ways they might treat us and hurt us. The fire and heat of some situations are making us shine, because we got through it. And when you do so without letting yourself become bitter and angry, that's when you shine, baby shine!
I doesn't matter if relationships, money, job, people at school or work or even your family are bringing the pressure or bringing the heat....
you know that you are becoming a sparkly diamond. And don't you worry say, but I can't handle anymore. It's the enduring of the challenges, it's the overcoming, it's the surviving with a smile, it's the strength that comes from still loving and caring about others while you walk through hardships that add to your priceless shine!
You are not just charcoal that handled stress well...you are a precious human being that is handling all the troubles that life dishes out to us incredibly well. It's the hard times in my life that have broken my heart to just the right place that my heart can comfort others who've been through what I have and it's grown my heart o have so much understanding of other people's hurting and pain. This world needs more people that have understanding and that care and help lift others up when they are going through a hard time. Let's all look for the pressure that others are under and since we are more than carbon, we have precious souls and hearts, and we can use the love and encouragement from others when we go through hard times to help bring that diamond sparkly to their eyes and smile.
Go out all you precious diamonds and shine through all your pressure, grow even sparklier through each hard moment and person you encounter and know I'm proud of you for all the pressure and stress and hardships you've been through to become even sparklier and priceless! ~Love Me I am Marty!
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